Well, we can all sleep a little sounder at night now that one of the major problems plaguing our species has been thoroughly dealt with. That's right, world governments, leaders of industry, NASA scientists, Tibetan monks, and one super-intelligent chimp have come together in order to solve the environmental crisis known as Global Warming. And in a surprising twist, they have actually solved it. You heard it here first: we have officially Saved the Environment. "But how?" you might ask. Was it monumental social and legal reform on a massive scale? Was some new form of free, clean, and infinite power discovered? Did world governments cast aside the petty bickering, political maneuvering, and senseless exploitation and the slaughter of innocent civilians for their own twisted purposes in order to work together for the common Good of all Humankind? Did Logic and Reason finally win out and keep us from destroying the only planet that we know of within reasonable travelling distance that can actually sustain human life? Well, it was actually a lot simpler than we had originally thought.
Behold, the instrument of your salvation:
Why? Why was I programmed to feel pain? |
That's right, the environment has now been solved. And it's all thanks to these new "eco friendly" DVD and Blu-Ray cases that have been so graciously bestowed upon us. Well, to tell you the truth, I sleep a lot better at night now knowing that my children and their children after them will have one less thing to worry about. If only we could travel back in time and tell our grandparents about this marvel of engineering, the height of Human Technological Innovation, that would bring about their environmental salvation, we could have saved decades of debate, uncertainty, and stress. What fools we've all been! The answer was so obvious, we must have just been too smart to see it.
So what the fuck is all this about? What the fuck is wrong with this picture (both literally and metaphorically)? How could any free-thinking, socially-conscious citizen be opposed to any effort, no matter how small, insignificant, and stupid, to work towards a viable solution to global warming? Well, besides the fact that the solution people have come up with is a total crock, there's plenty to be bothered about by this sort of shit.