It's just the podcast, don't flatter yourself. So a little while back I was biking home from work when this dark figure gets my attention and motions me to follow him into a poorly-lit ally with no clear escape routes. I figured the best case scenario would be getting superpowers and the worst case scenario would be some kind of sexual favour in return for drugs, so I followed him. It was then he revealed himself to be Adam, a friend of mine, and he wanted to put together a podcast to share our thoughts about movies and other bullshit with the rest of the world. Best case scenario we get our own reality TV show and our own sex tapes with Paris Hilton. Worst case an excuse to hang out more often and shoot the shit. I just wish he would have told me before he made me give him a blowjob... And Adam, if you're reading this, you still owe me that crack you promised me you sick fuck. (He told me it would taste like chocolate. How many times am I going to fall for that line?)
So me, Adam, and this other dude Pat got together and started recording ourselves and posting over at Just search for
I think I came off pretty well in this article/your mouth. ZING! Now thats quality innuendo.